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Turtle Wall - Phi Phi Leh Dive Site



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SDI-TDI-ERDI Wreck Diver

Advice for diving Turtle Wall - Phi Phi Leh in Thailand

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Advice on Diving in Thailand

...onger. Phuket is accepted as one of the best locations for saltwater diving in Thailand. It’s simple to get to with an international airport in the north, and an impressive cluster of dive shops along its south coast demonstrates its commitment to the sport. The relatively calm waters that lie between the island and Krabi on the mainland host a range of diving opportunities for beginners as well as the most advanced, blending pretty tidal coral reefs with exhilarating wreck dives. It also acts as a gateway to some of the more challenging dives in Thailand, with speedboat and liveaboard tr...

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Read "Part 2: Dive Sites, Marine Life & Environment in Thailand"

Read "Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Thailand"
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Name Distance

KBV | Krabi

Thailand, Krabi

53.12 km

HKT | Phuket International

Thailand, Phuket

69.18 km

TST | Trang

Thailand, Trang

93.4 km

NST | Nakhon Si Thammarat

Thailand, Nakhon Si Thammarat

157.21 km

URT | Surat Thani

Thailand, Surat Thani

170.54 km

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  • Turtle Wall - Phi Phi Leh
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