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Island Dancer

Island Dancer Liveaboard

0 reviews 0 Fiji flagFiji

Primary Port Of Departure:
Suva, Fiji

Year Established: 2000
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Liveaboard Information


    Transportation to & from the nearest Hotel or Port NO


    Dive Certifying Bodies we are affiliated or certified by

    PADI , Dive Shops, Dive Resorts, Dive Boats and Recreational Facilities


    Diving with Nitrox YES


    Safety Equipment YES

  • Compressors Generators Cruising Speed
  • Accomodate Rebreathers NO

  • 2

    Number of Dive Guides

  • Camera Table YES

Additional Notes

Island Dancer, Fiji Welcome to ScubaBoard, an online scuba diving forum community where you can join over 205,000 divers diving from around the world.From the comfort and luxury of 31 metre long Island Dancer II, you can ex You can choose to relax in the spacious saloon, with TV, DVD and entertainment systems. There is also a movie and book library where games and magazines, fish ID and scuba diving books are free for use. While waiting for the next dive, you can enjoy the glorious weather from the shaded sun deck. As a cultural experience, guests also have the chance to visit a remote Fijian village and witness a Kava ceremony or warrior dance which allows them to discover the culture of Fijian locals.perience incredible scuba diving around the beautiful island of Fiji.



    Certifications YES

  • PADI

    Open Water Diver or equal rating, snorkel with no certification


    Open Water Diver or equal rating

  • PADI

    Open Water Diver, or equal rating


    Open Water Diver, or equal rating

  • PADI

    Adventure Diver, or equal rating


    Adventure Diver, or equal rating

  • PADI

    Open Water Diver, or equal rating



    Rental equipment? YES

  • Equipment category rent Sell brand (Model)
    Rebreathers YES

    Rebreathers YES

    Rebreathers, Full-systems YES

    Regulators, First-stage only YES

    Buoyancy Compensators, Jacket-style YES

    Fins, Open-heel YES

    Diving Suits, Wet YES

    Lights, Hand-held YES

    Computers, Integrated YES

Write a Review

Fiji flagFiji
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  • Island Dancer
At least one dive site or dive shop is required for review
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