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Much like a facebook page - you need to first have a personal account through which you can login and manage the business page.

After creating a personal account, you will be directed to 'My Dive Shop' section where you can claim existing listing or create a new one.

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hopefully you are sufficiently intrigued with DiveAdvisor to become a member and see it in action

Much like a facebook page - you need to first have a personal account through which you can login and manage the business page.

After creating a personal account, you will be directed to 'My Dive Shop' section where you can claim existing listing or create a new one.

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Certifications Offered

Body / Certificate Certifying Shops


NAUI, Underwater Archeologist

Helene Diving
Body / Certificate Certifying Shops


NAUI, Underwater Archeologist

All About Scuba and Swim


NAUI, Underwater Archeologist

Depth Perception

Port Charlotte

NAUI, Underwater Archeologist

Fantasea Scuba

Lake Oswego

NAUI, Underwater Archeologist

JCA Elite Scuba


NAUI, Underwater Archeologist

Blackbeard Scuba


NAUI, Underwater Archeologist

Lighthouse Diving Center

West Chester

NAUI, Underwater Archeologist

Streamline Diving
Body / Certificate Certifying Shops

Glace Bay

NAUI, Underwater Archeologist

Louisbourg Scuba Services
Body / Certificate Certifying Shops

Buenos Aires

NAUI, Underwater Archeologist

Scuba Dive Argentina